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Presentación en Línea POWTECH Virtualtalks
‘Mixing and processing to protect particle integrity’. As a loyal POWTECH exhibitor for the past twenty years, Lindor once again participated in the POWTECH virtual talks on 27 March, with our own video presentation. Lindor’s presentation was part of the morning session, along with two other presentations. Apart from Lindor, Glatt and Georg Stein Process Equipment also gave a presentation.

Bastiaan Soeteman, Managing Director of Lindor, did the honours for his company’s presentation. About 150 interested attendees took part in this session, which lasted about 25 minutes. This was followed by a question and answer session. You can watch the presentation at:
The main messages for the audience were:
- Particle integrity is crucial!
- Every application deserves its own best mixer configuration
- Test first, then buy. Optimise after installation.
- Make use of gravity. The same force applies to each particle – and it’s free!
- Use low shear for as long and as little as possible
- Adapt your production to future needs:
- Small and flexible
- Designed for hygiene and cleaning
- Pure processes
- NO side effects
We look back on an enjoyable, educational online session, while at the same time we are very much looking forward to once again having another real face-to-face POWTECH fair in Nuremberg!